
Configurations are composed with groups. A group represents a collection of files that share some properties. A local group is added to the configuration file by adding a [[local]] section.

Assuming your configuration files for Neovim reside in ~/dt/nvim, and all match the globbing pattern *init.vim, a minimal working example can then be configured as:

name = "Neovim"
base = "~/dt/nvim"
sources = ["*init.vim"]
target = "~/.config/nvim"

This content causes dt-cli to perform the following steps:

  1. Create a "staging" directory at $XDG_DATA_HOME/dt/staging if the XDG_DATA_HOME environment variable is set, otherwise at ~/.local/share/dt/staging;
  2. Create the group's staging directory under the staging directory: [...]/dt/staging/Neovim;
  3. Find all items (recursively if an item is a directory) that matches glob ~/dt/nvim/*init.vim and store them back in the sources array;
  4. For each item in the updated sources array, first copy it to the group's staging directory (~/.local/share/dt/staging/Neovim), then symlink it to the target directory (~/.config/nvim), abort if a target file already exists.


Details of above steps are explained in the Syncing Methods section.


Aborting on existing target files is probably not what you want. Read on for a better solution!