
dt-cli allows its source files to be templates, the templates are rendered with values defined in dt-cli's config file. Here is a simple example that parameterizes several GUI-related properties, and render a template to its destination with dt-cli.


Only templating a single file shows little benefit. This is just a toy example that demonstrates the basic usage of templating. In real-world uses, the sources array can include more template files, so that templating can actually ease config file management.

Setting Values

In dt-cli's config file, add another section with name [context]. Here is where the values are set. We will define the following values:



# Contents of ~/.config/dt/cli.toml

gui.font-size = 15
gui.cursor-size = 24

name = "gui"
base = "~/dt/gui"
sources = [
target = "~/.config"

In this config example, we have two values under the context.gui section.

Writing Templates

Templates are understood by dt-cli with the Handlebars syntax. We can template the gtk settings file in the gui group (se above) as:

# Contents of ~/dt/gui/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
gtk-cursor-theme-size={{{ gui.cursor-size }}}
gtk-font-name=system-ui {{{ gui.font-size }}}

After this, running dt-cli and ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini will have our templated values:

# Contents of ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
gtk-font-name=system-ui 15

Skipping Rendering

By default, dt-cli treats all source files as templates to be rendered. Sometimes we want to skip rendering, for example when a source file is huge, or when a source file contains strings that conflicts with the Handlebars syntax, or whatever. To skip rendering for a group, use the renderable = false option:


# Contents of ~/.config/dt/cli.toml

gui.font-size = 15
gui.cursor-size = 24

name = "gui"
base = "~/dt/gui"
sources = [
target = "~/.config"
renderable = false

After another run of dt-cli, ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini will have contents identical to the original (unrendered) template:

# Contents of ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
gtk-cursor-theme-size={{{ gui.cursor-size }}}
gtk-font-name=system-ui {{{ gui.font-size }}}

Finally, template rendering can be disabled globally by adding the renderable = false line to the [global] section:


renderable = false

Advanced Syntaxes

The built-in helpers of the Handlebars crate are understood in dt-cli's templates. Please refer to the Handlebars crate's page for guides on those basic control flow syntaxes like looping and conditioning.

In addition, dt-cli provides some more helpers to further boost the power of templating. The following table lists their names and descriptions, click on their names in the table to see their respective usages in detail.

get_mineRetrieves the value for current host from a map, returns a default value when current host is not recorded in the map
if_hostTests if current machine’s hostname matches a set of given string(s)
if_osConditions on values parsed from target machine’s /etc/os-release file
if_uidTests if current user’s effective uid matches a set of given integer(s)
if_userTests if current user’s username matches a set of given string(s)
unless_host, unless_os, unless_uid, unless_userNegated versions of if_host, if_os, if_uid, if_user


Above table might get out-dated, check out https://docs.rs/dt-core/latest/dt_core/registry/helpers/index.html for a list of supported helpers (in addition to those already supported by the Handlebars crate) and their usages.